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 Atlantic Publishers ALR Resources Catalogue

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Resource Search

This page is designed to assist in locating resources that have been approved for use in the classroom.

To perform a simple search, enter one or more keywords into the Keyword(s) box below, and then click on the Search button. The keyword(s) will be matched against several categories simultaneously. For example, entering "mathematics" will list any resource that contains the word "mathematics" anywhere in the title, series title, component title, or the resource annotation.

The asterisk character (*) may be used if you are unsure of the spelling of a word, or included at the end of any search criteria for a more accurate result. For example, entering "math*" in the Keyword box will find any occurrence of a word starting with "math."

Text Criteria  
(Searches Resource titles, Series titles and Component titles)
(Searches Resource titles, Series titles, Component titles, Author and Annotations)

Listing Criteria - Please see Search Tips at the left for additional information.
Grade Level from Grade Level to
International School
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